At Jarvis Christian University, we believe in the power of education to transform lives and build brighter futures. By making a planned gift, you can leave a lasting legacy that impacts generations of students, supports academic excellence, and advances the mission of our university for years to come.
By including Jarvis Christian University in your will or living trust, you can designate a specific amount, percentage, or asset to support the university. A bequest allows you to maintain control over your assets during your lifetime while leaving a powerful legacy.
A charitable gift annuity provides you with a steady stream of income for life in exchange for a gift of cash or appreciated assets to the university. After your lifetime, the remainder of the gift supports our students and programs.
This type of trust allows you to place assets in a trust that provides you (or designated beneficiaries) with income for a specified time. Afterward, the remaining assets are transferred to Jarvis Christian University.
You can name Jarvis Christian University as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy or transfer ownership of a policy you no longer need. This is a simple way to make a significant impact with minimal out-of-pocket expense.
Designating Jarvis Christian University as a beneficiary of your IRA or other retirement accounts can be a tax-efficient way to make a gift. Retirement plan assets can be heavily taxed if left to heirs, but are tax-free when given to a nonprofit like Jarvis.
The Visionary Society celebrates individuals who have arranged a planned gift with Jarvis Christian University during their lifetime. These gifts may take many forms, such as charitable remainder trusts, gift annuities, or other planned giving vehicles. By committing to these arrangements, Visionary Society members are investing in the future of the university while ensuring that their philanthropic goals align with their personal financial planning.
Visionary Society members play a critical role in the ongoing success and innovation at Jarvis Christian University. In recognition of their foresight and generosity, members receive personalized updates on the impact of their gifts, invitations to campus events, and are honored in a special section of university publications. Their commitment to the university’s future demonstrates a forward-thinking dedication to education and the lives it transforms.
The Legacy Circle recognizes those generous individuals who have made provisions in their estate plans to leave a lasting gift to Jarvis Christian University after their passing. This planned gift ensures their legacy continues to make an impact for future generations of students. Whether through a bequest, trust, or beneficiary designation, these gifts create a foundation of support that secures the university’s mission of educational excellence and opportunity for years to come. By joining the Legacy Circle, members help strengthen the university's future and are forever honored for their commitment to the growth and success of Jarvis Christian University.
Members of the Legacy Circle receive special recognition in university publications, invitations to exclusive events, and are remembered annually as part of our tribute to those whose generosity continues to shape our institution.
Join the Jarvis Legacy Society
By making a planned gift, you become a member of the Jarvis Legacy Society, a special group of individuals who have made a commitment to the future of Jarvis Christian University. As a member, you will receive special recognition, invitations to exclusive events, and updates on how your gift is making a difference.
Planning your legacy gift is easier than you think. We encourage you to consult with your financial advisor or attorney to determine the best giving strategy for you. Our Office of Institutional Advancement is also here to help answer any questions and guide you through the process.
For more information about planned giving options, please contact: