For the past two years, Jarvis Christian University’s Adult and Continuing Education program dean Dr. Dorothy Langley has met each fall and spring semester with Heart & Hands of East Texas (H&H), a Christian Job Corps site located in Lindale, Texas.
The H&H mission is to equip both men and women with essential job readiness skills while also imparting teaching from the Word of God.
As part of workforce preparation initiatives and services to the community, JCU provides voluntary training workshops discussing job readiness skills to enable the H&H clients to seek and find gainful employment. During presentation sessions, JCU offers additional training and certification opportunities to H&H clients through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) program for eligible adults seeking employment or education. JCU has also participated in mock job interviews with clients to mentor them to be career ready and to succeed in future job interviews.
JCU also attends an annual appreciation luncheon for partners and sponsors of the H&H organization.