The Jarvis Christian College Board of Trustees convened May 3 for its regularly-scheduled Spring Board Meeting, a day before the college graduated its largest class in its history.
Trustees approved the 2019-2020 budget as a financial instrument to guide the college, said Torry L. Edwards, who serves as chair of the Board of Trustees.
Edwards also said the board approved facility enhancements as well as an expansion of an existing building, the Student Success Center, to support academic programming at the institution. The cost of the expansion totals $318,000. Also approved were policies affecting students, including amending the Student Government Constitution, housing policies and a residential life manual.
After Friday’s Board of Trustees meeting, Edwards and Trustee Glenn Etienne, at the invitation of President Lester C. Newman, attended graduation practice in the E.W. Rand Center and offered words of encouragement to graduates.
“The Board of Trustees travelled from every corner of this country,” said Edwards, a retired city manager. “The Board continues to support the mission of the college and Dr. Newman, his faculty and staff.”
The college graduated 101 students on Saturday May 4. About 76 percent of those receiving degrees were from the greater Dallas area. Donna Brazile, a political strategist, TV analyst, campaign manager and longtime member of the Democratic National Committee, served as commencement speaker.
“With great enthusiasm, it was a pleasure seeing a record number of graduates participating in the 2019 commencement. We are pleased to see the institution producing a record number of graduates. I applaud the faculty and staff of Jarvis Christian College.
Edwards also said he was pleased to see that the college’s recruiting efforts in the metropolitan Dallas were paying dividends.
Edwards has been very instrumental in moving the institution forward. He has served as a trustee since 2008 and as chair since 2014. He is a strong advocate for the college and has more than 25 years of experience in local government and non-profit administration.