Dear Faculty and Staff:
We are in receipt of the recently passed Family First Coronavirus Response Act, which becomes effective April 1, 2020 and will remain in effect through December 31, 2020. No leave request submitted by a Jarvis employee due to COVID-19 will be denied; however, any time taken off by said employees prior to April 1st will be taken from sick leave and/or vacation time. For more information about the Act, please visit the following links:
Any request to “work from home” must be submitted to your immediate supervisor for approval. Only after such approval and the appropriate mechanism set in place, will the requesting employee began the “work from home” schedule. Assignments and completion of such must be documented and provided to your immediate supervisor. Please note that confidential documents WILL NOT be transmitted to or from home.
COVID-19 remains in a very fluid state and as we receive updates for the Department of Labor and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, we will provide such to you. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. I ask that you continue to take all precautions to stay healthy and safe.
Lester C. Newman