Sponsor $50,000 and Above
- Premium seating for 8 guests or 40 virtual seats to view the Gospel Explosion, Pioneer Hall of Fame and Preeminence Awards Gala and Concert
- Access to the VIP Room for eight guests or one deluxe gourmet basket delivered for viewing
- CEO or senior executive to pre-tape two-minute video to include in the virtual program
- CEO or senior executive to pre-tape .30 second corporate title sponsor radio ad
- Promotional digital material delivered to more than 5,000 individuals nationwide
- Formal acknowledgment during Gala and Concert
- Full-page Gala digital program advertisement with prominent placement
- Corporate name prominently positioned on all print and electronic marketing materials
- Corporate name mentioned in radio spots promoting Gala and the 110th Year Anniversary Celebration events
- Corporate logo on Jarvis.edu website, radio digital ads, social media, and digital program
- Opportunity to submit company photos for inclusion in a digital program
- Commemorative gift
- March 4, 2022, Camera-ready ads due
Purchase Sponsorship
Sponsor $25,000
- Premium seating for 8 guests or 35 virtual seats to view the Gospel Explosion, Pioneer Hall of Fame and Preeminence Awards Gala and Concert
- Access for eight guests to the VIP Room or one specialty gourmet basket delivered for viewing
- CEO or senior executive to pre-tape .30 second corporate title sponsor radio ad
- Promotional material delivered to more than 5,000 individuals nationwide
- Formal acknowledgment during Gala and Concert
- Full-page advertisement in Gala digital program with prominent placement
- Corporate name prominently positioned on all print and electronic marketing materials
- Corporate name mentioned in radio spots promoting Gala and the 110th Year Anniversary Celebration events
- Corporate logo on Jarvis.edu website, radio digital ads, social media and digital program
- Commemorative gift
- March 4, 2022 Camera-ready ads due
Purchase Sponsorship
Sponsor $10,000
- Premium seating for 8 guests or 30 virtual seats to view the Gospel Explosion, Pioneer Hall of Fame and Preeminence Awards Gala and Concert
- Access to the VIP Room for eight guests or one exclusive gourmet basket delivered for viewing
- Formal acknowledgment during Gala and Concert
- Full page Gala digital program advertisement
- Corporate name prominently positioned on all print and electronic marketing materials
- Corporate name mentioned in radio spots promoting Gala and the 110th Year Anniversary Celebration events
- Corporate logo on Jarvis.edu website, radio digital ads, social media, and digital program
- Commemorative gift
- March 4, 2022, Camera-ready ads due
Purchase Sponsorship
Sponsor $5,000
- Premium seating for 8 guests or 25 virtual seats to view the Gospel Explosion, Pioneer Hall of Fame and Preeminence Awards Gala and Concert
- Access for 8 guests to the VIP Room or one deluxe gourmet gift basket delivered for viewing
- Formal acknowledgment during Gala and Concert
- Full-page advertisement in Gala digital program
- Corporate name on all print and electronic promotional materials
- Recognition and corporate name/logo on Jarvis.edu website, radio, social media, and digital program
- March 4, 2022, Camera-ready ads due
Purchase Sponsorship
Sponsor $2,500
- Preferred seating for 8 guests or 20 virtual seats to view the Gospel Explosion, Pioneer Hall of Fame and Preeminence Awards Gala and Concert
- Access for eight guests to the VIP Room or one exclusive gourmet gift basket delivered for viewing
- Corporate name listed and logo to be displayed during the virtual events
- Half-page advertisement in Gala digital program
- Recognition on Jarvis.edu website, radio, social media, and digital program
- Link to your company’s home page
- March 4, 2022, Camera-ready ads due
Purchase Sponsorship
Sponsor $1,200
- Preferred seating for 8 guests or 15 virtual seats to view the Gospel Explosion, Pioneer Hall of Fame and Preeminence Awards Gala and Concert
- Access for eight guests to VIP Room or one special gourmet gift basket delivered for virtual viewing
- Sponsors recognition on Jarvis.edu website and social media
- Quarter page ad in Gala digital program
- March 4, 2022, Camera-ready ads due
Purchase Sponsorship
Sponsor $800
- Open seating for 8 guests or 10 virtual seats to view the Gospel Explosion, Pioneer Hall of Fall and Preeminence Awards Gala, and Concert
- Access for eight guests to VIP Room or one special gourmet gift basket delivered for virtual viewing
- Sponsors recognition on Jarvis.edu website and social media
- Business card size ad in Gala digital program
- March 4, 2022, Camera-ready ads due
Purchase Sponsorship